One, of course, is Johnny Depp. But while he’s voluminously talented and genuinely fun to watch, he’s always been more excited by exploring the possibilities of fantasy figures—Edward Scissorhands, Captain Jack Sparrow, the Mad Hatter—than by pulling off the more prosaic task of bringing flesh-and-blood human beings to three-dimensional life. (In this he’s like Angelina Jolie, which is one reason their pairing in The Tourist never clicked.) Depp’s one of those rare actors who’s more compelling—and convincing—as Willy Wonka than he is as John Dillinger. Put him in the role of an ordinary person and you might as well cast Bradley Cooper.
어휘 voluminously 방대한, 다량의 talented 재능 있는 genuinely 진실로, 순수하게 figure 인물 pull off (구어) …을 (곤란을무릅쓰고) 잘해내다 prosaic 평범한, 지루한 flesh-and-blood (평범한) 인간의 three-dimensional 3차원인, 입체감이 있는 compelling 강제적인, 칭찬하지 않을 수 없는 convincing 설득력 있는, 납득이 가는 ordinary 평범한 might as well ~하는 편이 낫다