First recorded during the sessions for "Bad," then revived for "Dangerous," this is one of the message songs that Jackson liked so much. It tells the story of girl running away from sexual abuse and landing on the streets of L.A., where she turns tricks. Jackson was a victim of abuse, and accused of it; few will listen to this song without remembering that, and for some, his troubling life will overtake this track completely. Almost as if in anticipation of that, Timbaland and J-Roc use their most hypnotic keyboard riff as the central motif here, and the climbing synths in the bridge will have the listener thinking of Pink Floyd's "Shine On You Crazy Diamond."
어휘 session 시간[기간] revive 부활하다, 되살아나다 sexual abuse 성적학대 turn a trick 성매매를하다 victim 희생자 overtake 앞지르다, 능가하다 in anticipation of …을예상하고, 내다보고 hypnotic 최면을거는듯한[일으키는]
해석 <마이클 잭슨 새 앨범 ‘Xscape’ 트랙별 리뷰>
6. “Do You Know Where Your Children Are (당신의아이들이어디있는지아나요)”
“Bad”의활동기간에처음으로녹음되었고이후에는“Dangerous”로되살아났으며, 이곡은잭슨이그토록좋아하는메시지가담긴노래중하나다. 노래는성적학대에서도망치고 L.A. 거리에도착하고그곳에서성매매하는소녀의이야기를전한다. 잭슨은학대의희생자였고그것으로고소당했다. 즉소수만이그것을기억해내지않고이노래를들을것이다. 그리고몇몇에는그의힘든삶이이곡을완전히능가할것이다.거의그것을예상한것처럼, 팀버랜드와제이록은그들의가장최면을일으키는건반리프를여기에중심주제(모티프)로사용한다. 그리고브리지에서올라가는신시사이저는듣는사람으로하여금핑크플로이드의“Shine On You Crazy Diamond”를떠올리게한다.