<브라질 축구팬의 장기기증운동> 매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Joy of Reading! 영어 읽기의 즐거움을 느껴 보세요.
<How thousands of football fans are helping to save lives>
"Every Brazilian is born with football in the soul," says Jorge Peixoto, of Sport Club Recife, one of the top teams in the north-east of the country. For the last two years though, he has been more concerned about what happens to fans' bodies when they die. The club decided it "must look beyond the 11 players on the field and use its power for bigger things," says Peixoto, the club's vice-president for social programmes. It asked them to become "immortal fans" donating their organs after they die so that their love for the club will live on in someone else's body.
어휘 north-east 북동쪽 concern about ~에대해관심을가지다, 염려하다 vice-president 부사장, 부회장 immortal 죽지않는, 불멸의 donate 기부하다, 기증하다 organ (신체)기관, 장기
<어떻게 수천 명의 축구팬이 생명을 살리는데 도움을 주고 있을까>
브라질북동부에서최고의팀중하나인헤시피(브라질북동부지방의항구도시) 스포츠클럽의조르지페이쇼투는“모든브라질인은영혼에축구를품고태어난다”고말한다. 지난 2년동안, 그는팬들이죽을때그들의몸에서어떤일이일어나는가를관심을가졌다. 클럽은“운동장에있는 11명선수를뛰어넘어봐야하고그힘을더큰일을위해써야한다”고결정했다며클럽의사회프로그램부회장페이쇼투는덧붙였다. 이프로그램은클럽을향한팬들의애정이다른사람의몸속에서도살아갈수있도록팬들이죽은뒤에도장기를기증하며“불멸의팬”이되길요청했다.