<줄리 델피 인터뷰> 매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Joy of Reading! 영어 읽기의 즐거움을 느껴 보세요.
<Julie Delpy Explains Before Midnight, Feminism, and Onscreen Nudity>
GQ: In the first installment, Before Sunrise, Jesse and Celene meet on a train. Does that kind of thing even happen anymore? Do people still talk to strangers?
Julie Delpy: I hope people still meet like that. Though if Celene and Jesse had met now, at twenty-two, they probably would have just friended each other on Facebook. But in 1993, when the first film was made, I didn't have an e-mail address. I didn't even have a computer, because I was very late with computers. Actually, I was reading an article about this—I love science, so I read only science, and history—but it was saying that using social networks is actually very bad. Because, genetically we're supposed to be attracted to partners that have a very different immune system, and that you can't judge on the Internet.
어휘 onscreen 영화의, TV의 nudity 노출 installment 1회분 genetically 유전적으로 be supposed to ~하기로되어있다 attract 마음을끌다, 끌어들이다 immune system 면역체계
<줄리 델피가 말하는 비포 미드나잇, 페미니즘 그리고 영화 속 노출>
GQ : 첫 번째 편인 <비포 선라이즈>에서 제시와 셀린은 기차 안에서 만납니다. 그런 일이 앞으로도 일어날까요? 사람들이 여전히 처음 만난 사람과 이야기를 나눌까요?