머리말 Introduction
이 책의 구성과 활용 How to Use This Book
교재 구성표 Map of the Book
차례 Contents
Unit 01 반갑습니다 Pleased to meet you
Unit 02 식당이 어디에 있어요? Where is the restaurant?
Unit 03 가족이 어떻게 되세요? Do you have any family?
Unit 04 얼마예요? How much is it?
Unit 05 오늘 뭐 해요? What are you doing today?
Unit 06 집에 어떻게 가요? How do you get home?
Unit 07 취미가 뭐예요? What is your hobby?
Unit 08 휴가 어땠어요? How was your holiday?
Unit 09 비빔밥 하나 주세요 One bibimbap, please
Unit 10 새해에는 운동을 할 거예요 I’m going to start exercising in the new year
Unit 11 머리가 아파요 I have a headache
Unit 12 여보세요 Hello?
Unit 13 표를 예약하고 싶은데요 I’d like to book a ticket
Unit 14 사전 좀 빌려 주세요 Please lend me a dictionary
Unit 15 기분이 좋으면 노래해요 I sing when I feel happy
Unit 16 졸업 축하해요! Congratulations on your graduation!
Unit 17 거리 카페가 좋아요 The street café are nice Appendix
듣기 대본 Listening Script
정답 Answers
색인 Index
Korean Verb Tables and Essential Vocabulary, 2004, SOAS
Korean Listening Skills – Practical Tasks for Intermediate learners, 2008, Darakwon
Cho Jae-hee
B.A in Korean Language Education, Korea University
M.A in Phonetics, SOAS, University of London
Coordinator of Korean courses, SOAS Language Centre, University of London
Korean Verb Tables and Essential Vocabulary, (2004), SOAS
Korean Listening Skills – Practical Tasks for Intermediate learners, (2008), Darakwon
중앙대학교 문예창작과 석사
전 University of London, SOAS Language Centre, 한국어과정 강사
현 서울대학교 언어교육원 연구원
Useful Chinese Characters for Learners of Korean (co-author), 2007, Darakwon
Korean Listening Skills – Practical Tasks for Intermediate Learners, 2008, Darakwon
Oh Mi-Nam
M.A in Creative Literature, Chungang University
Former Instructor of Korean courses at the SOAS Language Centre, University of London
Researcher at the Language Education Institute, Seoul National University
Useful Chinese Characters for Learners of Korean(co-author), (2007), Darakwon
Korean Listening Skills – Practical Tasks for Intermediate Learners, (2008) ,Darakwon